1. 活動主題:【動態表演】哈佛大學Krokodiloes鱷魚合唱團巡迴演出~輕聲雅唱台灣行

2. 參加對象:全校教職員、學生

3. 活動時間:6月2日(星期二) 19:00~21:00      

4. 活動地點:國際學術研究大樓B2  600人國際會議廳

5. 報名網址http://goo.gl/924vZS

即日起線上報名,5/28-6/1 於國際事務處(勵學大樓四樓)開放取票,另於表演前2小時開放現場取票。(The tickets would be available at OGA from May 28 to June 1st for the registered)


哈佛大學「Krokodiloes(鱷魚)合唱團」的成立,可追溯至1770年的Hasty Pudding 俱樂部,該俱樂部活動以兄弟會的品酒、 吟詩為主。直至1946年,才由四個喜愛音樂的成員發起「A Cappella」合唱活動。該團致力將1920~1960年代的經典歌曲推廣到全世界,分享美妙「A Cappella」音樂世界。

該團每年演出超過200場,除了學期中在北美州演出150場外,每年暑假也會巡迴全球四大洲舉行為期13週約60場演出,從募集旅行資金、策劃行程到聯繫演出等事項全由團員分工完成。他們曾為各地的國王、總統、王子和大使表演過,不只三度登上卡內基音樂廳,也曾受邀在柯林頓總統就職大典擔綱演出,演出經歷十分豐富。表演團體詳盡介紹 :www.kroks.com 
Harvard University’s oldest and most prestigious a cappella singing group is rooted in the Hasty Pudding Club, founded in 1770 and recognized as the oldest collegiate social organization in the United States.  It was until 1946, four loving music members organized the singing group, offering blends of 1920s to 1960s classics with their pure sounds.  They pride themselves with music expertise, which also pushed them on stage several times for honorable guests. and numerous celebrated ceremony.  During summer break, they tour around the world and share the beauty of human voice.  
Come and join us! To know more about The Kroks.    Enter your information below to register on-line for free ticket. 
§ 7 pm-9 pm. Tuesday, June 2 2015 §
§ @ International Conference Hall, B2, International Academic Building §
Harvard University’s oldest and most prestigious a cappella singing group is rooted in the Hasty Pudding Club, founded in 1770 and recognized as the oldest collegiate social organization in the United States.  It was until 1946, four loving music members organized the singing group, offering blends of 1920s to 1960s classics with their pure sounds.  They pride themselves with music expertise, which also pushed them on stage several times for honorable guests. and numerous celebrated ceremony.  During summer break, they tour around the world and share the beauty of human voice.  
Come and join us! To know more about The Kroks.    Enter your information below to register on-line for free ticket. 
§ 7 pm-9 pm. Tuesday, June 2 2015 §
§ @ International Conference Hall, B2, International Academic Building §
Harvard University’s oldest and most prestigious a cappella singing group is rooted in the Hasty Pudding Club, founded in 1770 and recognized as the oldest collegiate social organization in the United States.  It was until 1946, four loving music members organized the singing group, offering blends of 1920s to 1960s classics with their pure sounds.  They pride themselves with music expertise, which also pushed them on stage several times for honorable guests. and numerous celebrated ceremony.  During summer break, they tour around the world and share the beauty of human voice.  
Come and join us! To know more about The Kroks.    Enter your information below to register on-line for free ticket. 
§ 7 pm-9 pm. Tuesday, June 2 2015 §
§ @ International Conference Hall, B2, International Academic Building §

7. 注意事項:




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